
Roasted Tomatillo Hatch Chili Verde Beans & Rice

Someone gave me fresh tomatillos at work so this is what I did…

Yield: 3-4 servings

PREP IT!             


  1. Mix all ingredients together and cook until rice is tender on the stove, using a rice cooker, in the oven, or with whatever rice cooking method you’d like.

  2. Enjoy!

Roasted Tomatillo Hatch Chili Verde Beans & Rice

Tip: Rice cooks using steam. Whichever method you use, be sure the lid is tight so the steam is trapped in the cooking vessel. This will ensure your rice is cooked perfectly every time.

How to Cook Rice: To cook rice, use a rice cooker or in a medium pot, bring rice and liquid to a boil. Once boiling turn heat down to low. Cover pot with foil and lid to trap the steam in. Allow rice to steam for 20 -30 minutes until rice is tender. Do not stir rice until it has finished steaming. Keeping the heat on low will prevent rice on the bottom from burning while cooking. But honestly, if you do accidentally burn the some of the rice, who doesn’t love the burnt bottom part of the rice pot anyway… flavor!

Reheat leftovers: in the oven or in the microwave.