Red Refresher

A beverage recipe to celebrate Juneteenth. Red beverages like strawberry soda and hibiscus are traditionally found in Juneteenth celebrations!

Yield: 1 beverage


  • 1 baby Watermelon, gutted, blended into juice, and strained - about 1 pint juice

  • 1 teaspoon Hibiscus flowers, steeped in ½ cup of hot water

  • ¼ teaspoon Cinnamon, ground

  • 3 tablespoons Lemon juice, fresh

  • Strawberry soda, splash on top

  • Ice

  • For garnish Slices of Lemons, Strawberry, Watermelon


  1. Cut the top off of the baby watermelon and set in a bowl so that it stands up. Gut and blend the watermelon meat until it becomes juice using a hand mixer or a blender. Strain juice.

  2. Add juice and remaining ingredients back into the empty watermelon and stir.

  3. Add ice and garnish.

  4. Enjoy with other traditional Juneteenth foods!

Tips: Perfect for a hot summer day! Also great with an optional 4 ounces or brandy added.

Juneteenth Information ♥️...”Red foods are customary for Juneteenth, the crimson a symbol of ingenuity and resilience in bondage...” - Nicole Taylor x

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